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Who We Are

Welcome to Hangoutwithtee!

Hangoutwithtee has been empowering women for over 7 years and in response to the demand for our hangouts we run the hangouts to encourage women to take care of themselves, take a break, have fun and pursue a passion they love apart from their regular jobs.

We learn and bond through the collective power of fun and we retain a lot more information and build relationships with the people we meet with by having a few laughs and fun.

This is a very special free event. It features inspirational talks, networking, music, dance, poetry and free gifts.



Our Impact

Thanks to the dedication of our incredible team and the invaluable support of our partners, we’ve achieved remarkable milestones. Over 1,000 women have participated in our events, supported by more than 30 partners, and celebrated across 7 unforgettable gatherings. Together, we are building a lasting legacy of empowerment!

Sunday Worship Services

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Youth Group Gatherings

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Bible Study Classes

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Volunteer Opportunities

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Church Leaders

Shepherding the Church

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Voices of Hope: Inspiring Feedbacks

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Our Trusted Partners


Community News & Posts

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Hangoutwithtee: “Empowering Women, One Hangout at a Time – Where Fun Meets Inspiration!

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